JELAK Sanatorium

Prolom Banja
Resort South SPA


Owing to the unique characteristics of the thermal mineral waters, balneological findings and medical research, the following indications for treatment in Lukovo Spa have been established:

1. Inflammatory rheumatism
Rheumatoid arthritis (calm faze of the inflammation),
Bechterew's disease (initial stadium),
Psoriatic arthritis.
2. Degenerative rheumatism
Neck and lower back spondylosis
Discus hernia, discarthrosis, sciatica
Gonarthrosis, cocsarthrosis, artrosis,
Osteoarthrosis of sham hand and feet joints
3. Extra-articular rheumatism
4. Osteoporosis and osteopenia

5. All types of sports injuries

6. Conditions after bone fractures and surgical interventions on the bone and joint system
Conditions after hip and knee replacement.


After 14:00
Before 12:00

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